Hi Ladies and Gents! I have received several messages asking about condom sizes. So it’s obvious that I need to teach you how to pick a condom for you or your man....
Beyond the Vibrator: New Sex Toys to Try
We humans are creatures of habit… same morning routine, same coffee shop, same old sex toys… like that trusty vibrator we use over and over again. Nothing wrong with the familiar...
Sex Tech Innovations to Watch
The field of sex tech is booming and much of the growth is driven by thought leaders who have identified a market that both serves social need and has the potential to produce...
Halloween Role-Play Tips
Halloween is just around the corner and people of all ages are gearing up for an evening of tricks, treats and the opportunity to dress up and play a role if only for one night....
Turn Up the Passion: 10 Tips for Slow, Romantic Sex with Your Partner
No matter your style, there’s no doubt that sex with your partner can bring immense pleasure and a better sense of closeness and intimacy. Looking for a little more passion? It...
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Your Hard On (Or Lack Thereof)
As someone who works in the sexual health space, I get asked about erections and erectile dysfunction more than anything else. It’s amazing how little men know...
Secrets for More Spontaneous Sex
Spontaneous sex is an incredible way to make your relationship more exciting. Sure, romantic buildups and lots of flirting is wonderful — but sometimes, passion just hits yo...
6 Signs It’s Time to See Your Medical Professional About Painful Sex
Painful sex is far more common during and after menopause than most people realize. The medical term for painful sex is dyspareunia, and it’s usually a result of declining...
Pull and Pray: The Rising Popularity of the Withdrawal Method
Pull and Pray: The Rising Popularity of the Withdrawal Method Modern medicine can do some pretty amazing things, but a lot of trial and even more error helped us get there. T...
6 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Menopause
For starters, you’ve got more control over the symptoms than you might think. Menopause mostly deserves its bad rap, what...
Women Are Apparently Being ‘Lube Shamed’ During Sex—Here’s Why That’s Ridiculous
This is exactly what to say if it happens to you. So you and your partner are tearing off each other's clothes and heading into the bedroom—and you’re definitely in the mood...
10 Reasons Why Women Lose Their Libido
Ladies, libido means sexual desire. Women having decreased libido is one of the most common complaints I hear in the office, especially for those stressed out supermoms....
After Sex Activities for Bonding with Your Partner
Sex, in itself, is a powerful way to bond with a person. In fact, when you orgasm, you release mood-boosting, bond-building chemicals in your body, such as oxytocin and...