How does the Australian daylight savings time change impact you libido?

Posted By Astroglide  

The simple answer is yes!

The time change can affect both your sleep cycle and libido, but just like jet lag it only takes a few days to fully adjust. If you find yourself struggling to sleep with the time change, more sex is actually the answer! According to, sex can make it easier to fall asleep thanks to prolactin, a hormone released post-orgasm that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. This means there’s no reason not to be having more sex during Daylight Saving Time to combat any sleep problems you’re dealing with. So we suggest pulling out your favourite ASTROGLIDE lube and forgetting about that time change! The simple answer is yes!

The time change can affect both your sleep cycle and libido, but just like jet lag it only takes a few days to fully adjust. If you find yourself struggling to sleep with the time change, more sex is actually the answer! According to, sex can make it easier to fall asleep thanks to prolactin, a hormone released post-orgasm that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. This means there’s no reason not to be having more sex during Daylight Saving Time to combat any sleep problems you’re dealing with. So we suggest pulling out your favourite ASTROGLIDE lube and forgetting about that time change Australia!