If you love women, then you’ve probably wondered at one point or another what’s the best way to eat pussy and blow your partner’s mind with the best oral of her life.
It’s a great thing to be curious about, really, as so many men out there are either too shy or too proud to look for some advice on how you can truly please a woman.
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A little warning here, though: if you’ve come here looking for “the proper way” to eat pussy, expecting some kind of failproof guide to give good head, you must know there isn’t a universal recipe to master this skill.
Our Pussy Eating Tricks are Powerful… But You Also Have to Do the Work
The tips we’re going to share with you here really work, but you must realize first that giving good oral sex, just like any other part of (great!) sex, is all about the connection between the two people involved.
If you really work at getting to know your partner better, and making it easy for her to feel she’s got a safe space to relax and really let go into pleasure whenever she has sex with you, then you’ve already got 80% of the battle won and you’re close enough to figure out what’s the best way to eat pussy (meaning she’s gonna think you’re the best lover she could dream of, oral sex or not).
Setting the ground for trust and communication with your partner (even if it’s just a one-night-stand) is the single factor that will decide whether you can become a world-class expert at pussy eating or cunnilingus.
So read carefully and make sure to take notes, because it’s going to take some practice to get where you’re headed.
1. Know Why You Want to Give Her Pleasure
If we are strictly honest, no lover on this planet is entirely unselfish. We all get something out of the pleasure we manage to offer our partners. But it is crucial that you understand there’s only one central motivation that will make you great at oral sex.
Before all other things, you have to find pleasure in giving her pleasure.
That’s right. If the physical act of giving head is not working as a massive turn on for you, then you’re not doing it right. If you’re just doing it to take pride in the fact that you can give her awesome orgasms, or if you do it thinking about what you’re gonna get in return, it’s just not going to work.
It’s not about an exchange, and it’s not about “locking down” a partner thanks to your mind-blowing skills for pussy eating. It’s doing it simply because you take physical and mental pleasure in losing yourself into the experience, and taking part in the amazing sensations that you’re producing in her body.
The best way to really read the signs in a woman’s body, and to know exactly what movements and what pressure she needs from your tongue at each moment, is to be so absorbed into the experience that you don’t lose a single detail out of everything that’s happening.
2. Make Sure She’s in for It.
Women love when a man knows how to lick up their pussy the right way, just as much as men love to get a good blowjob. There’s one difference, though: women may not want to receive oral sex on every single occasion (while most men will welcome the idea almost any time).
The reason for this is not that women want sex less, but simply that they have a more complex relationship to it, both for physical and cultural reasons.
For one part, the nerve endings that surround the clitoris and the whole vaginal area are much richer and also more diverse than the nerve endings from your penis. Since she has a broader sensorial capacity, she has a number of stimulation styles she can choose from, and of course oral doesn’t have to be her first choice every time. The article on 8 types of female orgasms might help you form the better picture about it.
But for the other part, there are some women who have never felt comfortable with the general aspect of their vulva and their vagina, since our society tends to put a lot of negative judgments around female sexuality.
You have to understand what’s the relation of your partner to her body in general, and her pussy in particular, so you can know how comfortable she feels about oral sex. She might need a really loving and reassuring attitude from your part, to trust that she can open with you about that part of her body that makes her feel so insecure.
3. Pay Attention to Her Whole Body
While sometimes fast & furious is the way to go for certain parts of sex, a good session of eating pussy should always start out like a delicate and progressive endeavor.
In other words, don’t go for the kill right away. Seduce her whole body first, with feather-like caresses both from your hands and your lips. Show her how passionate you feel about the look, the odor and the taste of every inch of her skin.
Remember that part about finding pleasure in the whole experience? Well, it starts right here. The more authenticly devoted to her pleasure you seem, the sexier she’ll feel, the hotter she’s gonna get, and the more intense her orgasmic response will be (when you get to that point, of course, but let’s not get ahead of it!).
4. Build Anticipation
Only when you can see she’s really turned on, start to hint that you wanna go down on her.
The more time you take to get to her pussy, once you start teasing with the idea of kissing her inner thighs, the more aware she’ll be of all the sensations that will start building up around her yoni (yoni is our word of choice to talk about pussies, by the way; it means “sacred gateway” in the old Sanskrit language, and we use it to convey the sense of wonder and devotion that we believe every man should have when it comes to treating a woman’s body).
Combine the touch of your fingers and your mouth to go around the little patches of skin that almost touch the side of her outer lips, and very slowly start to caress her yoni directly. Gentle kisses, and very gentle strokes with your fingers, combined with an occasional moan or heavy breathing can bring her to the heightened state of excitement that you’re gonna need from this point on.
5. Use Your Tongue for More than Licking Pussy!
While moans are a great way to let your partner know how turned on you’re in your journey down to her legs, you can’t rely solely on them to keep communication open at all times.
A woman always appreciates honest compliments about her body. Sometimes she’ll be into dirty talking, and sometimes she won’t, but you can always listen to her cues and sense what are the right words to let her know just how awesome you’re feeling at each moment.
Big hint: don’t say anything you don’t really feel, and don’t force yourself to use a certain lingo or throw a line you heard in a movie. Be true to your style and to what you’re feeling, and that will be more than enough.
6. Treat Her Clit with Respect
Clits are the most sensitive part of a woman’s body, and while they are capable of receiving a lot of pleasure, they also have to be handled carefully.
What you want to try is building up the stimulation, from a very subtle caress to a steady rhythm of stroking.
Start with really slow movements of your tongue laid flat against her whole yoni, using big circles or long up and down movements to stimulate the whole area, and don’t overcharge her clit with too many sensations from the start.
Only after you’ve spent a good time with this kind of broad and light licking, you can slowly shift your attention towards the head of the clitoris, and ever so slowly increase the speed of your motion.
Take in mind that some women prefer to stay at an indirect stimulation of the clit, with your tongue moving only on top of her hood, while other women appreciate that you slowly move towards uncovering the head of the clitoris, and applying direct pressure there with your tongue.
7. Find Your Move, Find Your Rhythm
You don’t have to limit yourself to the circular motion you started with. Actually, combining a bit of sucking and side to side strokes are a great way to identify what kind of stimulation works best for what her clit needs right at that moment.
You should never decide to use the same movements or techniques all the time, simply because it has worked for you in the past with an ex, or even with your current partner!
The experience of each different woman is unique, but the experience of the same woman is also unique in itself each new time she shares a moment of mindful sex with you.
This means you really want to make sure you pay extra attention to her response at every slight variation you make with your tongue. Spend a little time at each different kind of motion, so you have time to notice if it’s bringing her the intense kind of pleasure you’re aiming for, or if it’s a good idea to keep on searching what’s the best way to eat your partner’s pussy.
And once you’ve found the combination of a sweet spot and the right angle of your mouth, make sure you stick to it.
There’s no need to keep on switching between different moments once you’ve spotted the spot that’s making her body arch a little and her hips come closer to your mouth. If you feel you’re at the right place and position,
If you feel you’re at the right place and position, all that’s left is to very slowly increase the pressure and the speed of your strokes, until you reach the right point of intensity (you can ask for her feedback if you’re not sure), and stay there until the fireworks arrive.
Be patient and consistent with your tongue. It may be tiring the first times you dive really deep into a good session of pussy eating, but we can guarantee you the skills you’ll get in return for the sore muscles are totally gonna be worth it.
8. Listen to Her Reactions
Another way of treating her clit (and actually her whole body) the right way, is to pay a lot of attention to the way she reacts at every point down the road.
Right from the very start, if you’re unsure about the message that her body is sending on receiving oral at that moment, you can try phrasing what you want to do, and see if her reaction is positive.
Always keep in mind that you wanna be subtle, so instead of saying something like “I want to eat your pussy. That OK?”, you can go for something more like inhaling deeply when you’re near her thighs, and then saying out loud: “I can’t believe how good you smell. I wanna get you in my mouth so bad”.
If she trembles a little, gasps, or seems excited about the idea in any other way, you know you can go on. And if she kind of pulls away or looks too serious, then she’s probably not ready for it on that particular day, but make sure to hold her close and listen to anything she wants to share with you about it.
9. Don’t Forget You Have Hands, Too!
As you move further and further into higher states of pleasure for her, the intensity of your tongue strokes is going to increase, and it’s most likely that you’ll be focused so much on that movement, that your hands are going to be resting at a fixed position.
But you can step up your game and use your hands to create even more waves of bliss and sensations for her. You can go for feather-like caresses all over her body, you can play with her inner and outer lips, and you can even try some inner stimulation by sliding one of your fingers inside her vagina.
Be really mindful about this, and ask either with words or with your body language whether it’s ok for her that you use one finger inside her (always start with one finger, and then insert a second one once it’s clear that she’s enjoying and that she’s wet enough).
One cool way to to do this is by placing your finger at the very entrance of her vagina, and see if her yoni instinctively tries to call the finger inside each time it’s contracted through breathing. But if that doesn’t happen, no worries, just let her know that you’d love to feel her from inside her as she approaches orgasm, and then you’ll know for sure if your finger fits what she’s looking for at the moment.
10.What’s the Best Way to Eat Pussy? Forget Everything You’ve Just Read
While all of the tips we’ve shared with you in this article can help you share a world-rocking and mindful experience with your partner, you have to work your own way to the perfect oral sex roadmap for you and your partner.
And you need to take into account that it won’t be a fixed route, but rather a collection of little insights and points of complicity that will help you create an exciting and brand-new experience each time.
It’s awesome that you’ve come in here looking for more resources on how to be a better lover, but it’s even better if you take these ideas as a starting point, rather than making them your personal Oral Bible.
Remember: there is no magical list of pussy eating tricks that will make you the most desired man by women on the planet, but… if you really make good use of our 10 tips, your partner will be extremely happy that you’ve stumbled upon this page.