8 Tips for Planning a Romantic Weekend at Home

Posted By The ASTROGLIDE Team  

Unfortunately, not all of us have the kind of money to spend on a date night, romantic getaway or a couple's retreat, and even if you do, not everyone is up for the idea of the other activities that may be involved, from group therapy with complete strangers to sleeping in cobweb-cluttered cabins in the middle of nowhere.

Here’s the good news — you can create a couples retreat right in your very own home with a home date night.

It’s cheap, it’s fun, and when it comes to a good idea for building a healthy relationship, it’s definitely worth it. Use these tips to do it yourself: 

Clear Your Calendar. Obviously, you can’t have a couple’s retreat if one of you is at work or babysitting your nephews. So, get together and block out a weekend when you both can commit FULLY to each other

Tackle Your To-Do List. A couple's retreat is all about focusing on each other — not the laundry or the bills or that weird stain on your bathroom ceiling that seems to keep growing. Take care of these things beforehand so they don’t distract you during your romantic evening.

Unplug So You Can Unwind. Let your friends, family, and even your coworkers know you won't be answering texts, calls or emails during this special occasion. Then put your devices somewhere where you can't even see them. This time is for you two as a couple, and no one else. 

Pitch a Tent or Build a Fort. Shaking up your routine with fun date night ideas can help you get out of a relationship rut and changing how you sleep is one easy way to do it! Try pitching a tent in the backyard or building a fort in the middle of your living room - it's the perfect place to enjoy your Netflix marathon! If you're planning on getting au naturel in nature, make sure to read this guide to outdoor sex by Dr. Jess O'Reilly, Resident Sexologist at ASTROGLIDE. 

Spring for Good Eats. You’ll hear it more in nutritional articles than you will in lists of relationship tips, but you really are what you eat. If you want your partnership to be passionate and romantic, eat a meal or romantic dinner together that makes you feel that way! Red wine and lasagna, chocolate-dipped strawberries, ice cream, or whatever food gets you in the mood — spring for the good stuff and have all of your ingredients on-hand so you don’t have to interrupt your dinner during this couples retreat and this special occasion for a grocery run.

two young women kissing in a kitchen

Ban Stressful Topics. Where are the in-laws staying when they come to town next month? How will you pay down that high-interest credit card? What’s wrong with politicians these days? These topics and ones like them WILL NOT be discussed during your couple's retreat. Create a list of the things that stress you out, write them down, and agree NOT to talk about them during your retreat. 

Be Bold in the Bedroom. Have you been thinking of trying out some new sex positions? Using flavoured lube? Seeing what it’d be like to tie up your partner or have them blindfold you? Your couples retreat is the perfect time to experiment. So buy some new toys, request a free sample of a new formula of ASTROGLIDE, and think outside of that bedroom box! 

Don’t Forget to Play. Above all, your couples retreat should be fun. So do what makes you smile, whether it’s playing Halo or watching cheesy horror movies. You can even spice things up at the same time by adding a sexy twist to your favourite activities — try writing sexy dares on the sides of Jenga blocks or playing an old-fashioned game of strip poker! This weekend is all about you! A home date night can be just as exciting as a romantic evening out if you put your personal touch on it. Does your date night include a romantic dinner, or maybe no dinner at all? Is a big, romantic gesture involved or a surprise? Make it work for you!

young couple happy on couch watching television

The best thing about planning a romantic weekend at home?

You can do it over and over again — so don’t feel pressured to make everything perfect on your first try. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t as you go, with a potential surprise or two along the way, and you can use what you learn to make each couples retreat you plan even more awesome! Have you planned your own retreat at home? Have any planning or relationship tips? Share them with us @astroglide_australia.